Drug Safety & Information 


Medications and drugs may potentially cause side effects. This section aims to inform users about the known side effects of the medications used in the compounding formulas offered by JoyLocks. It is important to note that this list may not cover all possible side effects, and additional information may be available in the literature. 


By using JoyLocks, users agree that under no circumstances shall Club View Capital, doing business as JoyLocks, its officers, directors, employees, health counselors, independent contractors, or staff physicians or agents be held liable for any direct (including death), psychological, emotional, indirect, incidental, financial, special, punitive, or consequential damages arising from (1) the purchase and use of products sold on our website, and (2) any side effects that these medications may cause, either when used individually or compounded together in a formula. If you have concerns about the potential side effects of these medications, we strongly advise against using JoyLocks. By agreeing to purchase and use JoyLocks, you confirm that you understand and accept the below-stated side effects, acknowledging that any of these side effects may occur, and they could be either temporary or permanent. Additionally, you acknowledge that there may be side effects not listed here, and this list is not exhaustive. 


We do not assume any responsibility for the safety or efficacy of the products sold through this website, nor do we accept liability for any possible side effects resulting from the use of these products. By accessing this Drug Safety & Information page, you affirm that you have provided accurate medical history and have duly informed your prescribing physician of all ongoing medical conditions, risk factors, medications, and allergies, and that you have undergone a medical examination to confirm your health status before your telemedicine visit. We strongly encourage consumers to consult their personal physicians regarding the safety and efficacy of such products before use. None of the products sold on this website are intended to treat, prevent, cure, relieve, resolve, or stop any medical condition. Compound prescription products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA for their intended use. This product may cause skin burns, temporary or permanent, and may lead to permanent scarring alopecia. 


The information provided by our healthcare counselors does not replace discussions with your primary care physician concerning your medical conditions and treatment with oral or topical compounded formulations containing Finasteride, Dutasteride, Minoxidil, Spironolactone, Retinoic Acid, and/or Hydrocortisone. It is essential to thoroughly read all the information provided before commencing any of our prescribed formulations, and we recommend revisiting this information with every new refill, as updates and new information may be provided. 


Before initiating Finasteride treatment or obtaining a refill, it is essential to thoroughly review the information provided here. Please note that this information does not replace consultations with your healthcare provider concerning your medical condition and treatment. While Finasteride has FDA approval for use in men to treat androgenetic alopecia in oral form, all other formulations are considered off-label. To ensure full transparency, the side effects of Finasteride include, but are not limited to:

  • Hypersensitivity reaction (allergic reaction)
  • Angioedema
  • High-grade prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer (in both males and females)
  • Male infertility
  • Impotence and loss of sexual ability, desire, drive, or performance
  • Decreased libido
  • Hypotension
  • Abnormal ejaculation and sexual dysfunction
  • Impotence and loss of interest in sex or trouble achieving orgasm
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased volume of ejaculate
  • Genital organ tenderness
  • Testicular pain or numbness
  • Infertility and poor seminal quality
  • Poor sperm mobility
  • Penile curvature changes
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue)
  • Swelling, tingling, burning, or pain in the face, throat, hands, or feet
  • Swelling or tenderness in the breasts
  • Swelling or tenderness in the breasts
  • Temporary or permanent hair loss
  • Changes in the shape of the penis
  • Dizziness, weakness, feeling faint
  • Headache, confusion, brain fog, and short-term or long-term memory loss
  • Severe fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating and increasing moodiness
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Runny nose, sleepiness, or unusual drowsiness
  • Slurred speech, sneezing, and stuffy nose
  • Abdominal/stomach pain and back pain
  • Decreased amount of semen
  • Diarrhea, hives, welts, and itchy skin
  • Rapid weight gain and redness of the skin
  • Skin rash
  • Tingling of the hands or feet
  • Unusual weight gain or loss
  • Any other cancer in males and females
  • Changes in sexual orientation
  • Potential side effects contributing to post-finasteride syndrome (for more information, refer to http://www.pfsfoundation.org/about-pfs-post-finasteride-syndrome/)

Please be aware that all sexual side effects may be long-term or permanent. Users are prohibited from sharing this medication with any female, as Finasteride is not FDA-approved for use in women due to its potential to cause birth defects in male fetuses. Pregnant women and children must not use Finasteride or come into direct skin contact with it.

For women over 50, Finasteride may be used off-label to treat hair loss in certain circumstances. However, its effectiveness and potential risks/side effects in women are not well understood due to the lack of large-scale clinical trials in this population. Studies have suggested that women may experience similar side effects to men taking Finasteride (as listed above) when used off-label for hair loss. Additionally, women may experience dry skin, acne, headaches, irregular menses, increased body hair, headache, dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, elevated liver enzymes, and edema.

This list of side effects is not exhaustive, and users acknowledge that there may be other side effects not yet reported, discovered, or listed in the literature. It is crucial to be fully informed about the above side effects before using Finasteride. We aim to empower our patients to make educated decisions about their treatment choices.

Please refer to the following links as additional references for more information on Finasteride:

Regarding PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) testing while taking Finasteride, it is essential to inform your physician about the medication as it can reduce PSA levels by up to 50%. This reduction can mask underlying prostate cancer. Hence, it is vital to communicate your Finasteride usage to accurately interpret your PSA test results. The American Academy of Family Physicians, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, and the American College of Physicians have specific recommendations regarding PSA-based screening for prostate cancer. It is advisable to discuss these recommendations and engage in shared decision making with your clinician based on individual values and preferences.

As the field of medical knowledge is continuously evolving, it is essential to stay updated on any new information related to Finasteride use and its side effects.

PREGNANCY WARNING: Females who are pregnant or may become pregnant must avoid any contact with Finasteride. Finasteride has the potential to harm the unborn baby. If a pregnant woman or a child comes into contact with a Finasteride solution or crushed pills, it is essential to immediately wash the affected area with soap and water and seek advice from a healthcare provider. 

If a pregnant woman carrying a male baby fetus ingests or comes into contact with Finasteride, it may lead to abnormal development of the male baby's sex organs. Moreover, Finasteride could also impact sperm counts and quality and may be present in the sperm in very low quantities. However, based on data from clinical trials, there are currently no recommendations suggesting that men should avoid taking Finasteride during conception or while their partner is pregnant.


TBefore commencing Dutasteride treatment or obtaining a refill, carefully review this section as it may contain updated information. This information does not replace discussions with your healthcare provider regarding your medical condition and treatment plan. Dutasteride has FDA approval for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia in men in its oral form; however, all other formulations are considered off-label. We provide full transparency regarding the potential side effects of Dutasteride, including, but not limited to: 

  • Hypersensitivity reaction (allergic reaction)
  • Angioedema
  • High-grade prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Male infertility
  • Impotence and loss of sexual ability, desire, drive, or performance
  • Decreased libido
  • Hypotension
  • Abnormal ejaculation
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Loss of interest in sex or trouble having an orgasm
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Penile fibrosis and scarring
  • Decreased volume of ejaculate
  • Genital organ tenderness
  • Testicular pain and numbness
  • Infertility and poor seminal quality
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue)
  • Swelling in the face, throat, hands, or feet
  • Swelling or tenderness in the breasts
  • Lumps under the arms or in the breast area
  • Temporary or permanent hair loss
  • Changes in the shape of the penis
  • Dizziness, weakness, and feeling faint
  • Headache and confusion
  • Brain fog and fogginess of the head
  • Short-term and long-term memory loss
  • Severe fatigue and trouble concentrating
  • Increasing moodiness and depression
  • Runny nose, sleepiness, and unusual drowsiness
  • Sneezing and stuffy nose
  • Abdominal and stomach pain
  • Back pain
  • Decreased amount of semen
  • Diarrhea and hives or welts
  • Itchy skin and rapid weight gain
  • Redness of the skin and skin rash
  • Swelling of the lips and face
  • Tingling of the hands or feet
  • Unusual weight gain or loss
  • Heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and teratogenesis
  • Visual impairment, exfoliative dermatitis, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • Ejaculation dysfunction and priapism
  • Testicular swelling and testicular pain
  • Palpitations, dyspnea, and chest pain (unspecified)
  • Blurred vision and floppy iris syndrome
  • Edema, constipation, and lower testosterone
  • Complete loss of testosterone
  • Lower testosterone, breast cancer, and respiratory issues
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances and sexual dysfunction
  • Rash, urticaria, pruritus, and vomiting
  • Xerostomia and epistaxis
  • Oligospermia and spermatogenesis inhibition

Please be aware that all sexual side effects may be long-term or permanent. It is crucial not to share this medication with any female, as Dutasteride is not FDA-approved for use in women due to its potential to cause birth defects in male fetuses. Pregnant women and children should not use or come into direct skin contact with Dutasteride.

Although Dutasteride is not the same as Finasteride, the possibility of post-dutasteride syndrome may still exist. For more information, you can refer to post-finasteride syndrome at www.pfsfoundation.org/about-pfs-post-finasteride-syndrome.

When used off-label for treating hair loss in women, Dutasteride's effectiveness and potential risks/side effects are not well understood due to the lack of large-scale clinical trials in this population. Studies indicate that women may experience similar side effects to men taking Dutasteride (as listed above). Additionally, women may experience dry skin, acne, headaches, irregular menses, increased body hair, dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, elevated liver enzymes, and edema.

Please note that this list of side effects may not be exhaustive, and there may be other side effects that have not yet been reported, discovered, or listed in the literature. We aim to provide complete transparency about the possibility of Dutasteride's side effects, some of which may be long term. Your full understanding of these potential side effects is essential as we strive to empower patients to make informed decisions about their treatment choices.

For PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) testing while using Dutasteride, it is vital to inform your physician about the medication as it can reduce PSA levels significantly. This reduction can mask underlying prostate cancer. Therefore, disclosing your Dutasteride usage is crucial to accurately interpret your PSA test results.

Regarding recommendations for PSA-based screening for prostate cancer, various medical organizations have specific guidelines. It is advisable to discuss these guidelines and engage in shared decision making with your clinician based on individual values and preferences.

If any rare or uncommon side effects, such as sexual or psychological side effects, occur, even if mild, please report them to your doctor immediately and discontinue the medication. There is an increased risk of more advanced stages of prostate cancer or serious prostate cancer. In rare cases, male breast cancer has also been reported.

Please note that Dutasteride is an FDA-approved medication used to treat enlarged prostate and has been used off-label to treat male pattern hair loss. Compounded medications, including topical versions of Dutasteride, have not been tested or approved by the FDA. The combination of Dutasteride, Minoxidil, Retinoic Acid, and/or Hydrocortisone is a compounded prescription medication prescribed by your doctor and is not tested or approved by the FDA.

PREGNANCY WARNING: Females who are pregnant or may become pregnant should avoid any contact with Dutasteride. Dutasteride may harm the unborn baby. If a pregnant woman or a child comes into contact with Dutasteride solution or crushed pills, it is imperative to wash the area immediately with soap and water and seek advice from a healthcare provider. If a pregnant woman carrying a male baby fetus ingests or comes into contact with Dutasteride, it may lead to abnormal development of the male baby's sex organs. Moreover, Dutasteride could also impact sperm counts and quality, but based on data from clinical trials, there are currently no recommendations suggesting that men should avoid taking Dutasteride during conception or while their partner is pregnant. 


By viewing this Drug Safety & Information page, you confirm that you have provided accurate medical history and correctly informed your prescribing physician of any cardiac, vascular, liver or kidney disease and have been examined by a physician to confirm your health prior your telemedicine visit. Systemic Minoxidil is a potent vasodilator with potential to produce hypotension and reflex tachycardia; serious complications may occur. Minoxidil is relatively contraindicated in patients with cardiac disease (including angina, coronary artery disease, recent or acute myocardial infarction), or cerebrovascular disease because a reflex increase in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure can exacerbate these conditions. Side effects may include pericardial effusion, heart failure, cardiac tamponade, pericarditis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, allergic reaction, swelling of extremities, edema, peripheral edema , sodium retention, hypotension, angina, sinus tachycardia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, bullous rash, contact dermatitis, erythema, mastalgia, headache, hypertrichosis, pruritus, xerosis, vomiting, nausea, irritation, flakiness, itch, tingling and burning. This medication may burn the skin, temporarily or permanently and may cause permanent scarring alopecia.

If applied with fingertips, wash hands thoroughly after applying. If the metered-spray applicator is used, avoid inhalation of the mist. Minoxidil is classified as pregnancy risk category C. Although no adequate human studies have examined the effects of this drug on the fetus, animal reproduction studies have shown adverse effects, including reduced ability to conceive and a reduced survival of offspring. Dysmorphic facial features and hypertrichosis were observed in an infant whose mother took oral Minoxidil during pregnancy. According to the manufacturer, Minoxidil should not be administered to a nursing mother. Skin abrasion or irritations, such as excoriations, psoriasis, or sunburn, can increase the systemic absorption of topically administered Minoxidil. The safety and efficacy of topical Minoxidil products have not been established in children and adolescents. Children should not take or come in contact with Minoxidil. Minoxidil can be toxic to some animals, so do not let your pets come into contact with it or lick your hands after application. We are incorporating the following drug PDR in this section by referencing it here: https://www.pdr.net/drug-summary/Minoxidil-minoxidil-774.


Side effects may include: GI bleeding, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), arrhythmia exacerbation, pleural effusion, visual impairment, increased intracranial pressure, intracranial bleeding, heart failure, hearing loss, pulmonary edema, laryngeal edema, peptic ulcer, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, pulmonary hypertension, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, stroke, agnosia, seizures, coma, renal failure (unspecified), renal tubular necrosis, erythema nodosum, differentiation syndrome, pericardial effusion, hypervitaminosis A, pancreatitis, thrombosis, papilledema, spontaneous fetal abortion, teratogenesis, bone pain, dyspnea, elevated hepatic, enzymes, hyperlipidemia, bleeding, fluid retention, peripheral edema, stomatitis, constipation, wheezing, hypotension, depression, phlebitis, hypertension, confusion, flank pain, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, dysuria, edema, hallucinations, ascites, hepatitis, impaired, cognition, ataxia, dysarthria, aphasia, encephalopathy, thrombocytosis, erythema, hypoxia, respiratory depression, pseudotumor cerebri, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypercalcemia, headache, fever, fatigue, malaise, shivering, vomiting, nausea, rash, leukocytosis, abdominal pain,, weight gain, diarrhea, flushing, otalgia, dizziness, diaphoresis, anorexia, weight loss, anxiety, paresthesias, alopecia, myalgia, dyspepsia, insomnia, agitation, pallor, asterixis, weakness, tremor, hyporeflexia, drowsiness, hypothermia, increased urinary, frequency, skin hyperpigmentation, skin hypopigmentation, skin irritation, pruritus, xerosis, photosensitivity, vesicular rash. Tretinoin should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The safety and efficacy of topical tretinoin products have not been established in children and adolescents. Children should not take or come in contact with tretinoin. We are incorporating the following drug PDR in this section by referencing it here: https://www.pdr.net/drug-summary/Tretinoin-tretinoin-24012.


Side effects may include: exfoliative dermatitis, increased intracranial pressure, papilledema, tendon rupture, bone, fractures, avascular necrosis, esophageal ulceration, GI perforation, pancreatitis, GI bleeding, peptic ulcer, skin atrophy, anaphylactoid reactions, lupus-like symptoms, angioedema, heart, failure, seizures, optic neuritis, retinopathy, visual impairment, ocular hypertension, cardiac, arrest, thrombosis, pulmonary edema, stroke, bradycardia, vasculitis, cardiomyopathy, rosacea, peri-oral dermatitis, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia exacerbation, thromboembolism, erythema, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) suppression, hypotension, physiological dependence, pseudotumor cerebri, withdrawal, adrenocortical insufficiency, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s, syndrome, hyperthyroidism, postmenopausal bleeding, osteopenia, myopathy, osteoporosis, constipation, gastritis, impaired wound healing, skin ulcer, candidiasis, neutropenia, immunosuppression, hypertension, hypokalemia, hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, metabolic, alkalosis, edema, fluid retention, sodium retention, neuritis, psychosis, memory impairment, peripheral neuropathy, euphoria, mania, delirium, hallucinations, EEG changes, amnesia, depression, impaired cognition, exophthalmos, blurred vision, ocular infection, cataracts, glycosuria, hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, phlebitis, hypercholesterolemia, sinus tachycardia, palpitations, angina, tolerance, growth inhibition, hepatomegaly, elevated hepatic enzymes, contact dermatitis, anemia, glossitis, pruritus, maculopapular rash, xerosis, skin irritation, lethargy, fever, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menstrual irregularity, arthralgia, myalgia, arthropathy, weakness, abdominal pain, appetite stimulation, nausea, weight gain, vomiting, hiccups, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, petechiae, urticaria, acne vulgaris, telangiectasia, folliculitis, alopecia, skin hyperpigmentation, acneiform rash, hypertrichosis, rash, miliaria, perineal pain, diaphoresis, striae, purpura, ecchymosis, hirsutism, injection site reaction, skin, hypopigmentation, leukocytosis, infection, vertigo, restlessness, malaise, irritability, anxiety, headache, emotional lability, paresthesias, insomnia, syncope, dizziness. Hydrocortisone should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The safety and efficacy of topical Hydrocortisone products have not been established in children and adolescents. Children should not take or come in contact with Hydrocortisone. The side effects of long-term use of Hydrocortisone have not been established in clinical studies. JoyLocks formula does contain Hydrocortisone 1% and you are placed on notice regarding the long-term side effects, which include, but are not limited to, the side effects listed above. If you do not want the Hydrocortisone included in the JoyLocks product, please notify us and your formula will be customized to remove the Hydrocortisone. You are giving consent allowing us to use Hydrocortisone in your product, and understand and agree to the side effects. We are incorporating the following drug PDR in this section by referencing it here: https://www.pdr.net/drug-summary/Hydrocortisone-Lotion-2-5–hydrocortisone-3417.4123.